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Posts Tagged ‘Jon Davies’

Surviving the Storm: What Chasers Want You to Know

Sunday, March 18th, 2012 by Anna

Surviving the Storm: What Chasers Want You to Know

After many, many months of hard work from the crew at Scary Cloud Productions, (Jon Davies, Stephen Locke, James Skivers, William Stromberg and Anna Bonn Stromberg) and the help of many others including Kory Hartman and SevereStudios Storm Chasers, I am so proud to announce the release of our weather preparedness DVD called “Surviving the Storm: What Storm Chasers Want You to Know”. If you want an entertaining way to learn how to prepare yourself and / or family against all aspects of severe weather from actual storm chasers, this DVD is for you! – Shawna Davies (Executive Producer)

In the coming weeks we will be announcing the release of an original soundtrack composed by William Stromberg.